Alternatives to Violence Project
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AVP Registration


  The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a network of independent, not-for-profit, volunteer groups. It offers experiential workshops in non-violent problem solving and creative conflict transformation.  AVP is used in prisons, schools and the wider community.

These workshops can empower individuals to liberate themselves and others from the burden of violence. The fundamental belief of AVP is that there is a power for peace and good in everyone which has the ability to transform violence. AVP builds upon a spiritual basis of respecting and caring for self and others.

he Alternatives to Violence Project (Canberra) offers Basic, Advanced and Facilitation (T4F) workshops.  All training sessions are non-sectarian.  Change and learning come by doing and playing.  AVP has serious intent but fun interactions.  In doing these workshops participants may expect personally to experience non-violence in action.

The third level of Training for Facilitating (T4F) is open to people who have already completed the Basic and Advanced training.  This provides a combination of personal development and training for those who may wish with to become volunteer AVP facilitators in a school, community or prison setting.  A major but not exclusive aim of the current series of workshops is to provide facilitators to run workshops in the new ACT prison to be opened in November 2008.


The Gathering Place, 4 Bancroft Street, DICKSON, ACT 2602


High income and professional development participants            $160

Middle income participants                                                             $ 90

Low income and unwaged participants                              $ 40 or by negotiation

There is a maximum of 15 participants for each workshop.  Applications are processed on the basis of the first 15 $20 deposits received.  After covering expenses, any surplus money is used to fund prison workshops and facilitator training and development.       

  Find the registration form here>>


Rollo Brett 6290 2181                                              Peta Hoffman 6248 5581


 See also and link to for general information on AVP.